Why Am I Interested?

Occupational therapy holds importance in my life because it is something that I plan on pursuing next year in college. About three years ago I was speaking with a neighbor about what she did and where she worked. The more we talked, the more and more interested I became in this job of Occupational Therapy, which is what she did for a living. At the time even after talking to her I only understood a little bit, but as a freshman I figured there was plenty of time to learn. As time passed I began to come across people who knew about it or who actually were Occupational Therapists for a living. These encounters I believe have brought me where I am to day. The more I learn about it the more I am realizing that it will be the right field for me to go into someday. I am a high school senior and I have throughly enjoyed this process of learning lots more about occupational therapy.

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