Job: Occupational Therapist (OT)
Salary by Company Size
Company Size | | $0 | $28K | $56K | $84K |
1-9 | $49,400 - $60,154 | | | | |
10-49 | $44,497 - $67,712 | |
50-199 | $47,500 - $71,344 | |
200-599 | $48,700 - $69,061 | |
600-1999 | $54,848 - $74,795 | |
2000-4999 | $56,298 - $75,000 | |
5000-19999 | $58,504 - $82,629 | |
50000+ | n/a | Not enough data |
Country: United States | Currency: USD | Updated: 29 Apr 2011 | Individuals Reporting: 121 |
There are many perks to being an OT one of the best is that the work hours are extremely flexible and very family friendly. You only really have to work as much as you want to and by having an occupational therapy degree you open yourself up to a lot of extra work opportunities. Many OT’s get weekly calls to do one time or short term jobs that aren’t involved with their employers. The pay for an OT is great, the average income currently is around $60,000 a year and between $30-$40 an hour, and with the field continuously growing at a rapid rate that is expected to increase year by year (Bureau of Labor Statistics). In conclusion, pursuing an OT career in the up coming years is a positive choice for students searching for solid jobs after graduating.
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